Monday, June 21, 2010

Command to Reset Winsock and/or TCP/IP

After install/uninstall some program or affected by trojan, we cannot access network/internet while in the good network link status

Some Winsock catalog missing/error

To reset winsock:
netsh winsock reset

To reset TCP/IP:
netsh int ip reset

Both will rewrites the registry back to default state, then restart to apply

This command avaliable since windows 2000

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Reset / reloaded DNS cache table

If your a mobile user and commonly switch profile between many places, you could find problem while accessing some sites using URL name address but directly their IP address

The DNS cache table still attached to old gateway network profile

if manualy Repair Network Option doesn't work

To unload all cache:
ipconfig /flushdns

to reload new:
ipconfig /registerdns