Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Setting the Refresh Rate for Connectivity Verifiers ISA Server 2006

By default, connectivity verifiers that are enabled test connectivity every 30 seconds. This time can be changed to any value in the range from 15 through 1,440 seconds by setting the RefreshRate property of the FPCConnectivityVerifiers collection. The value of this property applies to all ISA Server computers in an array.

Using Registry:
- Browse To: HKLM\IsaStg_Eff1\Arrays\{D76B4872-115F-49FA-9136-610335ED7F8E}\ConnectivityVerifiers
- Change msFPCRefreshRate value (in dword) as needed

Using Script:

You may use sets of Connectivity Verifiers to help you monitoring device such as: AP, WAN, Internal Router especially if combine with email alert triggering.